Frequently asked questions

How does it work?
For each logo you have 3 buttons. SVG: Downloads the SVG file. PNG: Downloads the PNG file. Copy: Copies some data to your clipboard, then you can paste it in Excalidraw and work with it.
We wanted to have a set of logos to create. The logos can be used for teaching, writing documentation, doing presentations, creating Excalidraw diagrams, etc.

The idea is that becomes a source of visual vocabulary. We are now doing more sofware-realated logos, but we are also working on other logos that will help people create other stories. If there's anything else that seems interesting but you think we are missing, please let us know with the Feedback button or clicking
Can the drawings change from PRO to FREE and some point?
Yes! We may make a PRO drawing FREE and the other way around, but it's not something we are thinking about right now.
Do you have any relationship with Excalidraw?
No, we just love Excalidraw. The scope of is bigger. We alse wanted to have a gallery with curated, high quality drawings and full-text search functionality.
Why not using the native Excalidraw libraries?
If you only plan to use a couple of logos, Excalidraw libraries are the best option. We created this to avoid bloating our own libraries and being able to quickly find different drawings. However, we have also created a native Excalidraw library that you can get from their site.

Apart from that, we want the logos available for everythingd, not just Excalidraw. That's why we provide them as SVG and PNG too.
Copy to clipboard does not work in Safari.
We are aware of that. In Safari (and WebKit based browsers), you can't use the clipboard API from the result of a network call, which is what we do, We are aware of it and will try to fix it.
Can I share my Individual License Key with other people?
Do you accept suggestions or drawings?
We definitely want to hear your thoughts. Use the feedback button in the main page. On the other hand, we are currently not accepting drawings that are not designed by ourselves.
Why don't you provide login with email / password?
We want to keep this simple. It's not like we are trading stocks or handling sensitive information. You will receive your key in your email, so you can keep it there. If you have any problems with your key feel free tu use the feedback button in the main page or send us an email. We recommend using Bitwarden to keep your key (and any password).